lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

WaTer pOllUtiOn

First we have to know what is pollution, well Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment with harmful substances often as a consequence of human activities. There are many differents types of pollution as:

  • Water pollution

  • Air pollution

  • Land contamination

But we only are going to see Water Pollution.Why, because i choose that!! oK.

How does water pollution occurr?

Water pollution ocurrs when a lot of chemicals, sewage and fertilizers are dropped and if it is not treated before being discharged into waterways, serious pollution is the result. Water pollution also occurs when rain water run off from urban and industrial areas and from agricultural land and mining operations makes its way back to receiving waters (river, lake or ocean) and into the ground.
Water pollution has many sources. The most polluting of them are the city sewage and industrial waste discharged into the rivers, agricultural run-off, or the water from the fields that drains into rivers, is another major water pollutant as it contains fertilizers and pesticides.

Types and causes of water pollution:

  • Microbiological.- Microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses and protozoa can cause swimmers to get sick. Fish and shellfish can become contaminated and people who eat them can become ill. Some serious diseases like polio and cholera are waterborne.
  • Chemical.- Metals and solvents even chemicals which are formed from the breakdown of natural wastes are poisonous to fish and other aquatic life. Pesticides used in agriculture insecticides for controlling insects and herbicides for controlling weeds are another type of toxic chemical, detergents and oils float and spoil the appearance of a water body, as well as being toxic; and many chemical pollutants have unpleasant odors.

  • Oxygen-depleting Substances.- Many wastes are biodegradable, that is, they can be broken down and used as food by microorganisms like bacteria. Too much biodegradable material, though, can cause the serious problem of oxygen depletion in receiving waters, oxygen is not very soluble in water.

  • Nutrients.-Phosphorus and nitrogen are necessary for plant growth, and are plentiful in untreated wastwater. Added to lakes and streams, they cause nuisance growth of aquatic weeds, as well as "blooms" of algae, which are microscopic plants. This can cause several problems. Weeds can make a lake unsuitable for swimming and boating. Algae and weeds die and become biodegrable material, which can cause the problems mentioned above (and below).

  • Suspended matter.-Some pollutants are dissolved in wastewater, meaning that the individual molecules or ions of the substance are mixed directly in between the molecules of water.Toxic materials can also accumulate in the sediment and affect the organisms which live there and can build up in fish that feed on them, and so be passed up the food chain, causing problems all along the way . Also, some of the particulate matter may be grease or be coated with grease, which is lighter than water, and float to the top, creating an aesthetic nuisance.

  • Oil pollution.-Is a growing problem,particularly devestating to coastal wildlife. Small quantities of oil spread rapidly across long distances to form deadly oil slicks. Oil and water do not mix, the oil floats on the water and then washes up on broad expanses of shoreline. Attempts to chemically treat or sink the oil may further disrupt marine and beach ecosystems.

Effects of water pollution

The effects of water pollution are not only devastating to people but also to animals, fish, and birds. Polluted water is unsuitable for drinking, recreation, agriculture, and industry. It diminishes the aesthetic quality of lakes and rivers. More seriously, contaminated water destroys aquatic life and reduces its reproductive ability. Eventually, it is a hazard to human health. Nobody can escape the effects of water pollution.

How do we prevent water pollution?

To keep our used water from spoiling our water resources, we have to remove the pollutants before the water gets back into the environment. In urban areas in most developed countries, the wastewater from homes, businesses and factories is collected by a system of underground pipes sewers which carry it to one or more central treatment facilites. Most of these are located near bodies of water into which the treated wastewater is discharged.
Industries located in areas where they are not connected to a sewer can discharge directly into a waterway, but will need a permit, and will probably have to have their own treatment plants. Even industries which are connected to sewers may have to pretreat their wastewaters before discharging them into the sewers, because they may contain materials which will harm the sewers or the treatment plants-- or may be a danger to the people who work in maintaining the sewer.


Well, today, many people dump their garbage into streams, lakes, rivers, and seas, thus making water bodies the final resting place of cans, bottles, plastics, and other household products. I think that we have to change our habits because the water is a natural resource very important and if we follow the same way till now, one day maybe our sons woke up and they won´t have water to drink.

We have to improve the education of the water and care it. The solution maybe start at home teaching our children how to be envioronmentaly-friendly. Teaching that when they clean their teeth they must turn the tap only when they need water and don´t leave the tap running, teaching the correct place to garbage and that they mustn´t drop litter, teaching how to recycle and if we teach them they are going to tech another kids and we are going to have water for a long time.

My 3 main sources....

Everyone is against water pollution...
but how does it happen,
and how can it be prevented?

Water pollution ans society By
David Krantz and Brad Kifferstein

Water pollution

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

vocabulary list about water pollution

1. Foul - - - - - - - - The foul odour came from the sewage plant.

2.Unfit - - - - - - - -These water is unfit for human consumption.

3.Harmful -- - - - - Harmful substances are emitted directly into a body of water

4.Spill - - - - - - - - -Sorry, I've spilt some whisky on your sofa,

5.Stream- - - - - - - His nose streamed blood
6.Segawe- - - - - - - Sewage is the mainly liquid waste containing some solids

7.Logging- - - - - - -Logging is the process in which trees are cut down for forest management and timber.

8.Diluting - - - - - - Diluted alcohol

9.Slick- - - - - - - - Roads are slickest when rain has just started and hasn't had time to wash away the oil

10.Sludge- - - - - - - The sludge is viscous

11.Drilling - - - - - -Drilling is the process of using a drill bit in a drill to produce cylindrical holes in solid materials

12.Swamp - - - - - - The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor

13.Aesthetically - - -This building is aesthetically very pleasing

14.Typhoid - - - - - - Typhoid fever is also known as enteric fever, bilious fever or Yellow Jack

15.Dysentery - - - - -Dysentery is an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea

16.Bottom - - - - - - They started at the bottom of the hill